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About Us

Below you'll find more on what we have to offer, email us any questions you may have.  



Bagua is a magnificent art based on the I-Ching (book of changes).  It utilizes circle walking to promote great health in it's practicioners, and at the same time teaches profound martial strategy.  Utilizing the circle a practicioner naturally flanks their opponent making it easier for the weak or smaller to overcome a larger adversary.  Simply walking the circle ensures sure footing, and promotes good circulation throught the body.  The twisting of the body that is performed when doing the postures and transitions in the forms and drills of bagua, promote strength, enhance sensitivity, and increases ones awareness.  


Gao style bagua uses a very systematic approach in the way it's taught. The division of the art into preheaven and postheaven palms is an example of this.  Simply put Prehaven palms teach the body how to stretch and helps to connect ones body for unified power.  The preheaven palms are performed while walking the circle with smooth orcustrated movements.  The post heaven palms are linear forms rooted in application, generating power, and a form of moving meditation.  There is a saying that the "preheaven is the resource of post heaven, and post heaven is the application of the preheaven".  Both enhance the other and if one is missing much will be lacking.  


There are single and two man forms in the Gao system.  Weapons training usually comes after learning some of the core principals of the art.  Bagua uses a very large broadsword in it's practices, as a form of weight training and further skill developement as well as other weapons. Static and dynamic meditations and animal forms are also a part of the Gao bagua system.  



Yang style tai chi is the worlds most popular and practiced style of tia chi currently in the world.  Many studies and books have been released on the many benefits of tai chi.  


We teach the traditional 108 move long form of the Yang family tai chi system.  The form is divided into three sections.  The first section is said to be the most important and teaches root postures and techniques seen throughout the form.  Section two adds in kicking techniques, while section three is primarily body and hand technique.  To learn the entire long form takes typically one year, but a life time to master.  


After learning the long form a student will typically start learning the Yang straight sword form or be exposed to some pushing hands.  Applications of the movements are taught as one learns the long form so as to enhance the training and movements.  


Yang tai chi has no animal forms in their system, but is still a formidable form of defense.  Known primarely as a soft art it's applications involve many throws, takedowns, and chin-na (grappling/seizing) techniques.  Tai chi is a very unassuming art that is great for cardiovascular health and fitness.  









Shaolin martial arts are very well known through out the world as being effective fighting forms, along with being naturally beautiful forms to watch performances of.  Typically divided into Northern and Southern styles, the Northern forms use longer movements and require more space for doing their forms.  The Southern systems are known for more compact movements delivering a great deal of power.  


There are hundreds of different styles of Kung fu.  Choy li fut, Hung gar, Cha chuan, and Wing Chun are just a few.  Many systems utilize and mimic the movements of animals to enhance the martial aspect ability and aesthetics to a form.  


We offer many animal styles such as tiger, crane, leopard, snake, eagle, monkey, dragon, and praying mantis forms.  Weapons like broadsword, stick, staff, and spear forms. Lesser known styles available in this area of the country are also available such as Tong Bei chuan, Sun Bin, and Cha chuan.  


All of the forms taught have been kept as close to their original teachings as possible in order to carry on the tradition of the Chinese martial arts.  These forms have much relevence today and are a treasure like all martial arts are.  


Tan Tuei (spring leg) is the first form one will learn in this system, as it's structure and postures are seen throughout other Northern Shaolin forms.  The Tan Tuei form we teach is a ten set form.  So there are ten total sections each teaching a different concept, application, or skill.  


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